About The Discovery Place

Hi, I’m Holly, a primary school teacher anD mother of two from New Jersey, USA

Getting out and meeting other English-speaking families in the area: As a mother of two children living in Karlsruhe, I know that developing and maintaining your child’s English while living in Germany comes with challenges. At The Discovery Place, I want to create a space where you and your child enjoy coming–to connect with other families, to have fun together, and to learn!

Learning anD playing go hanD in hanD

As a young mother who found myself at home full time with a little one, I set out to find activities for us to do together–including joining an English playgroup so that she could hear other people outside of our family speaking English. What I found, though, was missing one important aspect: interaction with our kids! Although I enjoyed chatting with other moms, I didn’t only want to sit around and drink coffee; I wanted to do something with the kids–in English.

Within a few months, I had taken over the Story Hour for young children at the American Library in Karlsruhe. After repeated inquiries as to whether I taught classes privately, I decided to offer my own classes and playgroups.

My concept: Educational theme-based course blocks incorporating creative movement, experiments, music, and activities in order to explore the theme’s content. In addition to weekly rituals, which give a predictable structure to the lesson–important for children–every week includes different songs, games, and activities. With each age group approaching the theme from a different perspective, children can build on their previous knowledge when they revisit the theme at a later point. Additionally, siblings can share what they’re learning with each other because no class is ever the same!

Learn more about the classes and playgroups here.

From primary school to self-employeD teacher

Simply put, I love teaching. After earning my teaching certification in New Jersey, I worked as a supply teacher outside of London, England, before returning to New Jersey to teach near my hometown. Once I moved to Germany in 2002, I taught for seven years at an international school in Heidelberg, and it was there that I was introduced to a new concept. In their inquiry-based approach, the teacher was seen as a guide to help the students ask questions, set about finding the answers, and reflect on their learning. This concept, and all that I learned there while teaching within the IBO’s Primary Years Programme, helps me today with my own courses. 

After my Story Hour and first classes at The Discovery Place went so well, the decision to become self-employed was clear. Along the way, I found that not only do I love teaching the school-age children, I have an incredible amount of fun teaching the younger ones, too!

 My mission: Continue to improve

Since I took the step to self-employment, I’ve been able to try out many things and I’ve learned a lot through doing so. I fully enjoy the creativity and flexibility that not being tied to a curriculum affords me. I’ve developed the cycle of themes that I teach, along with learning experiences for various age groups (ages 1-10) and skill levels (beginner to native speaker).

I constantly evaluate my teaching: What worked well, and what can I improve upon? Because each theme and every group is different, I ask where the children are in their learning and what the next step is. What do we want and need to learn, and what’s the best way to learn it? To that end, I listen to parents and children and try to implement their ideas where I can.

Interested in what we do and you’d like to see more? Visit my blog!

What Our Families Say

“We’ve had a great experience; just four months ago our 3-year-old was speaking almost totally in German, and now she speaks a lot more in English, even with the other kids at the class. She looks forward to going each week, too, despite being pretty shy. Holly is a great teacher, and you can really tell that she knows what she’s doing. I highly recommend her class!”

Christiana, mother of a “Little Learner”

“I just wanted to let you know how much all your hard work and preparation is appreciated. I love that you keep on sending these newsletters, especially since my daughter does not tell me anything about what she did in class :-). But what she does tell me is that she really enjoys coming to class…She is always happy after your sessions and was completely thrilled when I told her about the next theme!”

Linda, mother of a “Get Ready” child

Holly, I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful preparation of the course. I have taken a couple of baby classes with [my first son],  and I know what it is to pay for something that either wasn’t worth the investment, or something that just wasn’t the right fit for us. Well, your class is very well organized, it was educational for the kids while facilitating their need to run around and be loud. It’s so important at this age to help kids with gross and fine motor development and I think a lot of the activities you prepared engaged the children and addressed this need. It was really great. …I am really impressed. … Thanks so much for putting these classes together, it’s nice to have an English option for the kids

Cindy, Mother of two “Toddler Time” children

We love the way Holly organizes the English playgroup for toddlers. Each 5-6 weeks session has always a topic and carefully selected songs, activities and rhymes fitting the theme. The songs and games are ranging from active ones with a lot of movement and music to calm songs. For every verse, Holly has interesting and colorful props or moves in store that kids and parents can do. Some games and songs are accompanied with music instruments: to some we dance, to some there are appropriate toys. From what we can see, kids and parents alike are having tons of fun. The program contains a well-calibrated combination of familiar and new verses. The familiar structure and content works very well: our son knows the songs by heart and still has always something new to discover. English lessons become one of ours and our son’s favorite free-time activities, so much that we often have to negotiate who of the adults gets to tag along. Thank you, Holly!

Olha, Mother of a “Toddler Time” child

There’s no other teacher with whom our daughter is so impressed!

Karsten, Father to a “Discover More” child

Your classes definitely provide a needed service in Karlsruhe. Seeing [our daughter’s] vocabulary expand and hearing her sing your songs out of the class made it clear to me that she benefited a lot from your classes.

Sarah, mother of a “Little Learner”

Thanks for providing this service, and doing it so well. I’m not sure you realize how much it means to the English speaking families, and how much it benefits their children. Especially in the early days of learning German, it was really good for [my son] to be able to join in an activity where he was able to follow everything and express himself fully.”

Steph, mother of “Toddler Time” and “Get Ready” children

We love your classes so much…My husband and I argue over who gets to take [our son] because we always know we’re going to have fun!”

Olha, mother of a “Toddler Time” child

“My husband and daughter really enjoyed their time in class and I enjoyed the one day I got to go. Very special.”

Lee-Ann, mother of a “Toddler Time” child

“Thanks very much for the brilliant lessons so far. We are looking forward to the next sessions already!”

Milena, mother of “Toddler Time” and “Little Learner” children

“[I] wanted to say that we had so much fun today– that time went so fast! …We like the hands-on activities.

He loved petting George and laughed when we ran around. And it was a joy watching them with the xylophone and bubbles! Really enjoyed the work and thought you put into each activity! So thank you!”

Coreen, mother of a “Toddler Time” child

“Check out Holly’s The Discovery Place!

Great opportunity for children to hear more English and Holly is so creative and has the best ideas as to what to do, play, and sing with them… Holly, thank you!!!  You’re amazing!”

Birte, mother of a “Get Ready” child

“It’s so great you are putting in so much effort! My husband and I are very happy for our son to have found The Discovery Place, he really likes it! You are doing such wonderful work with the children! As we told you already: we are so happy we have found you and that he likes going to the classes so much!”

Conny, mother of a “Discover More” child

“I’m impressed with how much thought you’re putting into this. Thank you!”

Simone, mother of  “Get Ready” and  “Discover More” children